14-19 Jun 2015 Barcelonnette (France)

JIG school downloads

Here are links to the files to be downloaded for the JIG school practical sessions







Lecture notes

IT - Linear case - Michel Dietrich: Inversion_Linear_Case.pdf

IT - Bayesian analysis (1) - Olivier Coutant : talkJointInversionCoutant.pdf

IT - Bayesian analysis (2) - Richard Hobbs : mcmc_talk.pdf

IT - Optimization - Ludovic Métivier : 2015_BARCELONNETTE_NUMOPT_ADJOINT.pdf

SI - Introduction to source inversion - Zacharie Duputel : zduputel_intro.pdf

SI - Earthquake geodesy & Optimisation - Henriette Sudhaus : Lecture_SurfaceDefo_InSARGPS.pdf

SI - Seismic and Tsunami data in source inversions - Anthony Sladen : jiss2015_sladen_kin.pdf, jiss2015_sladen_tsunami.pdf

SI - Probabilistic source inversion - Zacharie Duputel :  inv-conj-geophy/probabilistic_source_inversion.pdf

LR - Petrological-geophysical modeling of the lithosphere - Jörg Ebbing : ebbing_JI_for_the_lithosphere.pdf

LR - Seismological imaging of the upper mantle - Christian Weidle : weidle_JointInv.pdf

LR - MT imaging of crust and mantle - Pascal Tarits : mt_jig_tarits_new.pdf

LR - Joint inversions of MT and receiver functions - Max Moorkamp : moorkamp_lithosphere.pdf


Departure times : please add your departure times from Aix and Marseille for the return bus : 


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